Pirates of Korriban
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Legion upgrade discussion

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Legion upgrade discussion Empty Legion upgrade discussion

Post by MikeHawk Black Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:20 pm

At level 40, we will have the option to upgrade our starship to either a Super Star Destroyer or a Mon Calmari cruiser, or some other type I haven't seen yet. There will be Pros and Cons to both, so everyone should start researching which one they like best. Please post your thoughts and suggestions here so the whole group can see your ideas.

Level 40 is really the Big League. We all need to work on the unexcused absenteeism and then focus on recruiting more active players. Just my thoughts, but they should be level 50+ and PG rank 8+. But if you talk with them and you think they would be a good addition to the group, have them apply. We should have max participation, even if we have a few low levels. They can still charge systems and launch fighters.

Thoughts, additions, disagreement, whimsical musings? Post them here. Pirates!
MikeHawk Black
MikeHawk Black

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Join date : 2014-12-29
Location : USA

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Legion upgrade discussion Empty Re: Legion upgrade discussion

Post by Hawk Ryo Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:43 am

The 3 ships to choose from is Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, Providence class carrier/destroyer and MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser. (I have pictures with stats, but could not upload them)

Imperial has the highest turbo, but weakest shields. Its shields can be taken out by all other ships. Turbo can take out all shields except Liberty.

Providence is the middle option. Its shields can be taken out by all ships except Liberty. Turbo can take out all ships except Liberty.

Liberty has the highest shields, but weakest turbo. Its shields can withstand all other ships. Turbo can only take out Imperial.

In other words, Providence is the only option that can take down your opponents shields if they're going to take down your shields, while guaranteeing they can't take your shields down if you can't take down theirs.

This assumes no starfighters get through, of course.

Hawk Ryo

Posts : 4
Join date : 2015-02-08

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